Contact your system administrator for help with the username, password, etc. If you’re behind a firewall, common at some workplaces, then you will need to fill out that information. They can always be changed at a later time. The other categories under the Connect tree list (left side of the mIRC Options window) can be changed if you wish, but it isn’t necessary. Most people enable this, and it can also be enabled when you are connected to the server by typing “/mode nickname +i” without the quotes and replacing the nickname with the one you chose. Basically, a person won’t know you’re there unless they know your nickname, or you join a channel they are on. The invisible mode option at the bottom shields you from being seen in server-wide searches on the IRC network. You don’t *have* to use your real Full Name and E-Mail, and most people don’t. You are also required to fill out the Full Name, E-Mail, and Nickname (a short name that others will see you as, similar to the username your email address) fields. From the Connect window, you can select which IRC network you want to connect to, the three major networks are DALnet, Undernet, and EFnet. You may also see the About splash screen which you can close. After you have opened mIRC for the first time, a connect window should open, if not it’s located under File->Connect.

Step Three: Configure the programĪfter installing, open the program by double-clicking on the icon or selecting it from the Start menu. exe program located in the directory you selected when you started the download. MIRC now has an easy install program to make installation much simpler. Click on the link, wait for the download to finish, then proceed to the next step. To download, locate the list of download sites at the bottom of this page and pick a location close to your own. If you have Windows 3.11 or earlier you will need to download a 16-bit version of an earlier version of mIRC. To run version 6.0 or higher you will need a 32-bit Windows operating system, more specifically Windows 95 or higher (98, 2000, NT, ME, XP, etc.), and a connection to the Internet.

Before you start the download, you should make sure mIRC will run on your system.